Clean Hands, Pure Heart

[Image by Ilo from Pixabay]

In this day of change, we are seeking the power of God to do a mighty work in our homes, our nations, and everywhere in between. How do we get into alignment?

2 Chronicles 7:14

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

Humble – This is your heart position towards someone. A humble heart seeks to serve. A humble heart is not seeking to be in control. A humble heart is where you can sit under someone else (not needing to be first or best), and be happy about it. This is much easier under someone that is loving and has our best interest in mind. Who better than GOD to be humble towards?

It is also the opposite of pride. I can do it on my own. I don’t need anybody. I’m smart enough. I have plenty of money. I’m better than… The focus is on “I”. When the focus is on self, there is no dependency, and there is also a sense of superiority (being above something). This is a flag that something is not right.

Pray – Reach out to Him! This is how we “talk” with our heavenly father. No one likes to be ignored, and He is no different. How can you have a relationship with someone if you don’t talk to them?

Seek my face – Your face is who you are, in all your uniqueness. Also it is a window to your emotions – smiles, frowns, laughter, and tears. You would have to know someone well to know their face well. Also notice this is not seeking his hand – what he does or gives. He wants us to seek HIM, and WHO he is. He is a PERSONAL God, wanting a relationship – not religion.

Turn from wickedness – Wickedness is choosing wrong. You have a heart that is so badly hurt and twisted, you may not even know something is wrong. Turning from it means choosing a different way, and not going back to it. If nothing else, you choose to change out of respect, this is the beginning. Once you know how much God loves you, this choice is more to protect HIS heart from being hurt by our behavior.

Just a thought, if you took the time, money, and effort to build a playground, and posted a few rules to keep it fun and safe, that is a reasonable expectation of all who come to play on your playground. Why then, should humans think it is ok to ignore God’s requests to behave on HIS playground?

Psalm 24:3-4

Who may ascend [climb up, before God] the mountain of the LORD [Yahweh]? Or who may stand [endure, prove oneself, able to maintain oneself] in His holy [sacred, set apart] place? He who has clean [innocent, free from guilt or punishment] hands and a pure [clean, sincere] heart [inner man, mind, will, heart, soul, understanding] who has not lifted up [to be taken away, carried off, swept away] his soul [living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, emotion] to an idol [emptiness, vanity, falsehood, nothingness, worthlessness], nor sworn [taken an oath] deceitfully [lying, deception, treachery].

There is a lot here to discuss – the verse as translated (in black) and the expansion of the Hebrew words to find the broader meaning of the words (in blue).

Ascend – we are “called higher” by God every day, climbing on our journey. Here the question is who can climb up before God? This is also referencing His HOLY mountain, like when Moses went up and Israel was FORBIDDEN to even TOUCH the mountain. And then to STAND in His presence, in the sacred place (like the holy of holies, for old testament reference), who among men could do this?

Clean hands – the amazing part, He answers this question with HOW to do this. Be innocent, and blameless – this was a tremendous statement under the old testament, but we are in the new covenant. Jesus has taken away sin, making us innocent and blameless. What a huge gift!

Pure Heart – clean and sincerity (you really mean this) in all of your inner being. Clean mind, clean will, clean soul, and clean thoughts. In all of these things, you are not carried off or swept away by a worthless, vain thing (idol), and keeping in check what is in your soul – life, identity, desires, appetites, and emotions. And to make sure it is all covered, you haven’t made any dishonest or deceptive promises you can’t keep.

THIS is who can climb the holy mountain of YAHWEY. How could you possibly do this??? In your flesh, it is impossible. BUT. There is a way. It takes time, and it starts with humbling yourself, praying, seeking your heavenly good DAD, and turning away from what you can. When you pray and invite the maker of heaven and earth into your being, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. He makes a way, and defeats the enemy of your soul so you CAN overcome the flesh. But you have to start that part of the journey with HIM.

There is more to navigating this journey, but START TODAY! HE IS WAITING!

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