[Image by Victoria from Pixabay]
The enemy uses offense as a weapon against us. Understanding how it works, and seeing what we give up when we buy into it will help us resist.
Luke 17:1 (Amplified Bible) Jesus said to His disciples, “Stumbling blocks [temptations and traps set to lure one to sin] are sure to come, but woe (judgment is coming) to him through whom they come!
The Greek word for “stumbling blocks” is skandalon: a stick for bait (of a trap), generally a snare, a stumbling block, an offense. Its also where we get the word for scandal. Gossip is a vehicle that delivers offense packages faster than any overnight service. Harsh words. Hurtful words. Something that rubs you the wrong way. Whatever the enemy can dream up to create a fiery dart to throw at you.
So what happens when we pick up an offense? It builds a wall that blocks MANY things.
- blocks worship – Matt 5:23-24 “So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”
- blocks blessings – The good things that God gives us to share with others are supposed to flow from us. When our soul is smeared with “yuk”, it hinders our hearing Holy Spirit, our sensitivity to the nudges from Holy Spirit, and our ability to share God’s love. We hold back because of the hurt and turn inward. Blessings can cease to flow freely through us.
- fills our head space – Nagging thoughts keep crowding our mind, and we keep thinking about the offense, over and over…
- steals peace – if you are in a beautiful place (on a beach, in the woods, in a field of flowers) but can’t stop thinking about the offense, where is the peace? Being in the presence of someone you are offended with is awkward and even stressful. Even thoughts about the person or situation can trigger negative emotions.
- seeks to “have” us – steering and controlling us. It is the same “have” that Cain experienced, where God cautioned him in Genesis 4:6 – “Why are you angry,” said the LORD to Cain, “and why has your countenance fallen? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires (to have) you, but you must master it.” Mastering offense is to not let it master us. When we are being steered by our emotions, it is not us who is in control.
- festers into an infected wound – Offense left untreated will grow, and yields the fruit of unforgiveness. In the Lord’s prayer, we are to pray including this – forgive us as we forgive others… This can spread when we talk to others about the topic, and they can also pick up the same offense through you. Then TWO people are hindered by offense. Such a sticky and dangerous weapon!
When we take up offense, we get marked. Seeing this, the enemy sends minions that will use our co-workers, family and friends (or any of the influences in our life) to feed the offense, pouring in through them. Gossip. Being judgmental. Fault finding.
There is another type of offense, and that is INTERNAL. When a person or situation presents that has no ill intention in it, but it triggers something inside of us, this offense is a response from a wounded place in OUR OWN SOUL. For example, someone in your sphere (people you interact with) wears a tee shirt with a message on it. Let’s say the message was “it’s time to pull over and change the air in your head”. You see it, and fly off the handle, and you are suddenly angry with them. When that person got up that morning and got dressed, they were not thinking “I’m going to wear this to offend so and so”. It turns out they thought it was funny, and you didn’t. But why not? Because your brother called you an air head when you were little, and you STILL haven’t gotten over it. Go back, and deal with it. Whenever there is an unreasonable response, there is a deeper reason behind it.
So what is our defense? Becoming UNOFFENDABLE. How do we do that? Understanding that when people speak, it is a manifestation of what is in their hearts. Broken words come from a broken heart. These offensive words and actions are indicators, showing where people need prayer, truth, deliverance, and for Jesus to touch that place in them. Like Jesus said, the world hated him, so we should expect the world to hate us (if we are being like him). It will come when we will need to respond to others in Jesus’ love for them. Ask for God’s heart toward his children, lost or saved. Ask for awareness of what is happening around you in the spirit realm, and for discernment with wisdom. When offense tries to attach to you, cut it down IMMEDIATELY when it presents itself. Use your words (using God’s word of LOVING truth) to deflect it. Plug your ears or bite your tongue if you have to. Refuse gossip. Nip it in the bud and pull the root! Watch that these offense weeds do not take root and grow. Know that a weed that takes root and goes to seed consumes the garden!
Put up your shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. Faith is were we just DO IT. Follow the instructions God gave us in his word. (James 4:7 – submit to God, resist the devil, and he will FLEE from you) Do not pick up the offense! It is a stick in a trap that will trigger it – don’t take the bait!